Zinnovate is proud to support Hand in Hand fighting poverty with grassroots entrepreneurship
The sum of many small gifts can make a major difference. We are glad to make a small contribution to…
The sum of many small gifts can make a major difference. We are glad to make a small contribution to…
https://zinnovate.se/customers/ provides a sample list of 10 Zinnovate customers from 7 different countries. Here we are also briefly outlining key…
Keep Pace With Technology As It Redefines Logistics, Supply Chain and the Role of the CIO The European Logistics CIO…
2013 besökte Håkan Nilsson mässan Eget Företag för att få inspiration till steget att starta eget. Ett år senare har…
“The European Logistics CIO Forum is in its 16th year of bringing together the leading thinkers in logistics and supply…
Stockholm / Sydney 2014-04-24. Zinnovate International and Logistics House enter into strategic agreement to drive productivity in the global logistics…
Team Zinnovate becomes even stronger – Arrival of industry profiles. Raffael Dessi – System Development Consultant with unique BI-expertise and…
New Chairman for Zinnovate International. Björn Wallin – Well-known IT and Finance industry profile, has been appointed Chairman of the…
Zinnovate is now partnering up with NOX Consulting, the specialist in high caliber IT specialist sourcing.
Fingeravläsning gynnar större företag. Fingeravläsning, istället för lösenord och id, spås slå igenom stort de närmsta åren. Avläsningen bygger på…
NOX Consulting and Zinnovate International forge new powerful Partnership. Zinnovate International is a new and fast growing IT- and management…