Welcome to the Team: Carolina Allende!
We are thrilled to announce that Carolina Allende has joined our team! Carolina will be working closely with Emilie (CFO) to drive finance excellence and with Håkan (CGO) to enhance our sales operations.
As the number of logistics providers adopting CargoWise’s single-platform supply chain software continues to rise, businesses worldwide are seeing increasing opportunity in joining its customer-focused service programs. Over 60 regional logistics specialists have now joined the program, each gaining certification to provide localized on-the-ground consultation, implementation and technical expertise to CargoWise’s global customer base.
The WiseService Partner program, for personalized consultation and training services, and the WiseTechnical Partner program, for highly skilled IT support, give business opportunity to logistics specialists and value-added services to customers wanting to maximize the benefits of the software solution and the productivity potential of their operations,
The latest business to recognize the commercial and customer value of the CargoWise partner program is Zinnovate International (www.zinnovate.se), the Stockholm-based business led by former Geodis Wilson CIO, Håkan Nilsson.
“We’re delighted to have joined both the service and technical partner programs,” says Nilsson. “The philosophy at Zinnovate is to focus only where we can truly make a difference for our customers and to team up with partners that,
in turn, are the very best at what they do. CargoWise is by far the leader in its field and this partnership enables us to
help our customers reach the full value of their IT investment.
“Many large corporations clearly experience technology inefficiencies and try to work with disparate modules and underutilized systems,” states Nilsson. “This is where we can make a difference with our wealth of know-how in system optimization and integration. With CargoWise continuing to do what they clearly do better than anyone else in the industry, namely providing superior logistics technology solutions, and Zinnovate helping customers further improve the value based on these solutions, forward thinking customers stand to benefit greatly from this new partnership”.
Vlad Bilanovsky, CargoWise Vice President of Partner Management, says CargoWise partners are chosen for their innovative IT and industry expertise and their clear commitment to customer service.
“Our partner programs provide CargoWise customers with localized access to a network of highly skilled professionals, accredited by us to deliver a high standard of service. When we select service partners, we only choose businesses
who possess the right industry expertise and who have a deep understanding of our customers’ needs and our product’s capabilities. We invest in our partners to make sure they have the right product skills and fully understand our training and implementation methodologies to maximise the value they provide to our customers.
“Håkan Nilsson is world-recognised leader dedicated to improving the IT capabilities of businesses in the supply chain.
His knowledge of IT and his experience in the industry is second to none and we’re delighted to welcome Zinnovate International to the partner program.”
For more information on CargoWise’s partner programs, visit www.cargowise.com/Company/PartnerProgram
About CargoWise
CargoWise is a global leader in logistics technology solutions that improve visibility, efficiency, quality of
service and profitability. Its renowned next-generation software includes ediEnterprise, the industry’s only
integrated single-platform supply chain logistics management system with truly global capability.
With clients holding more than 100,000 licenses across a customer community of 5,000 sites in 105 countries, CargoWise solutions are an integral part of the global supply chain. The company operates worldwide from
offices across the US, Europe and Asia. For more information visit www.cargowise.com.
CargoWise is a key product brand of WiseTech Global, an international technology development company
dedicated to delivering innovative, market-specific software solutions worldwide. For more information visit www.wisetechglobal.com
Media contact
Lisa Tree
Phone: +1 847 364 5600
Email: lisa.tree@cargowise.com
About Zinnovate International
Zinnovate was founded in October 2013 with an ambition to help global logistics firms unleash the full value of their IT investments. This is achieved through a unique service offering based on business process and IT portfolio analysis coupled with customized IT services. Zinnovate is based in Stockholm, Sweden and has established a global reach through international partners.
Media contact
Julia Dunder
Phone: +46 762392226
Email: julia.dunder@zinnovate.se
We are thrilled to announce that Carolina Allende has joined our team! Carolina will be working closely with Emilie (CFO) to drive finance excellence and with Håkan (CGO) to enhance our sales operations.
Vill du vara en del av ett globalt konsultbolag som leder digitala transformationer för några av världens största företag? Vi på Zinnovate International söker nu en engagerad och driven administratör med ekonomivana till vårt team i Stockholm.
Martin Nilsson, Products & Services Manager, Zinnovate ● Håkan Nilsson, Founder, Zinnovate ● Tamsin Emery, CEO, Zinnovate ● Kate Morey-Ferguson